

Online Order System

Rebuilding delivery order channel
for Domino’s Pizza Korea

Domino's Pizza
Website, Mobile App, Back office system
1 year
Project Leading, UX Design

The renewed Domino’s Pizza online order system provides an easier and faster order process to customers than before. The old management system was also renewed to be more efficient.


Simplified order process.

Domino’s Pizza is one of the greatest brands that offers its customers with a variety options when ordering online and continues to strive for excellent customer service. The new and improved renewal project focuses mostly on making an easier and faster ordering process for the customer. This new project is similar to an online shopping experience rather than an old fashioned food ordering system. For example, we eliminated redundant steps to make the ordering process more user friendly and manageable.


Customize your own pizza.

‘My Kitchen’ was the service that allowed customers to customize their pizza by themselves. However, it required the customer to download a separate application. The new and improved ‘My Kitchen’ relies on an online channel that makes the ordering experience more smooth and rich by presenting brand new enhanced features.


Faster than fast,
Quick Order.

Domino’s Pizza has a huge amount of long-time fans that have their own favourite pizza. Their order is usually always the same. ‘Quick Order’ offers fans an option to quickly place their order without having to go through a number of steps by saving their information on the fly.


Even back-office is a big deal.

Due to the fast turnover of promotions and the substantial amount of content, it was difficult to manage all the marketing content. Whereas now, in this project, unnecessary and inefficient management systems were removed and the scattered management system was unified for easier and faster ordering.


Simplify complex function,
and make it witty!

The purpose of this project was to provide various functions more easily and design all the user interfaces on the renewed channel for functionality. Although the handling of the fast turnover of marketing content was a challenge, reorganizing the marketing guide and the design style guide was key to successful implementation.


The goal is to develop various visual elements without interruption and to preserve brand identity in conjunction with the new order channel.


Pay by Domino's Pay.

Domino’s is constantly striving for more innovative techniques hence the development of the new payment system ‘Domino’s Pay’.
‘Domino’s Pay’ was developed to offer more protection and security for its customers.

Domino’s Pizza has held a leading position in the pizza franchise industry in Korea, however, the online order system of Domino’s Pizza was inadequate for upholding its prestigious reputation.

Bad usability for starving customers.

One of the biggest issues was poor usability. The ordering and food menu pages were divided. This forced customers to get into the ordering page and search for products all over again; making it overly complex. If they wanted to check the food menu again, they would have to exit the order page, enter the food menu page, and then finally go back to the ordering page to complete their order. This ordering process was highly inefficient and created a stressful and confusing experience for the customer. It was also difficult for administrators to manage and maintain.

Be innovative, but not destructive.

The renewal system should be innovative. But if the system is changed too much, the existing customers could be confused. In regards to this point, a function requirement definition was developed.

The mission was to make a clear and easy ordering process, but each product has different characteristics and options.
So properly categorizing the products was the first step; pizza, side dish, beverage, set menu, and so on. Next, we made processes for each product group.
Removing hurdles and barriers was also important.

Perfect mobile optimization was another important mission.
Before implementing the renewal project, there were core online channel components already intact: a desktop website, a mobile website and a mobile application. According to the data of Domino’s Pizza, the majority of customers used a mobile channel for ordering. However, the channels had to be managed separately, therefore there were a lot critical issues. As a result, we made a hybrid mobile application and focused on optimizing it to its fullest potential. Administrators were able to manage the channels more easily and consequently, the number of issues plummeted.