

Mobile CRM App

Mobile CRM system for Audi dealers

Audi Korea
Mobile App, Back office system
3 months
Project Leading, UX Design

Audi M-CRM

Sales tool built for sales people

Improve pipeline visibility, enhance processes, and increase efficiency


Manage the leads efficiently.

Upgrade functions to manage various marketing steps and supporting schedule management.

Assign leads to queue in sales force

Assigning the right lead to the right dealer at the rite time can be difference between hitting and missing the target.

Drive leads along the sales pipeline

Dealers can classify leads according to the sales process. Through tracking leads, dealers are also able to perform target marketing.

Schedule appointments to manage clients

Audi M-CRM offers a clean, simple scheduling features that dealers can handle all their sales appointment bookings.

Monitor sales pipeline report

Tracking the results overtime will give a strong indication of next step to improve sales process and overall growth.

UX Challenge

Because current CRM system was not built for dealers, dealers are struggling to explore information of their leads. And it makes dealers to prepare their own way to manage their leads and schedule.

Also, the current database is not managed automatically, Audi Korea need a way to classify their leads so that they can perform target marketing.

Each showroom has slightly different organization structure and management authority, clarifying their work process and needs should be performed through user research.

UX Goal

Create a mobile assistant that sales process is reflected practically.

Build a flexible user interface to show different UX according to the manage authority.

Without fixing current database, set a new database of leads and dealers for M-CRM and make it to interwork with the current database real-time automatically.

Research, Key takeaways, and Solutions.

Research Method: Interview and Shadowing

Beginning of the project, we started user research to clarify the issue and set executive plans. Because Audi M-CRM is mainly for the dealers in Audi showrooms, focus group interviews, stakeholder interviews, and shadowing have been conducted.

Key takeaway #1

The first thing we could figure out was that there are a lot of variables on sales pipeline of Audi showrooms. Generally, people who are trying to buy a car don't experience a simple inline process. They explore showrooms and try test-driving as many as they can and sometimes sales process is holding or refused on the way.

Audi sales pipeline


*Only the last status of lead is saved
Jump to previous steps
Sales holding or refused
Dealer is changed


Flexible task flow was set instead of inline flow so that dealers are able to set specific marketing status based on the sales process flexibly.

Leads assignment task flow

Key takeaway #2

There are several common duties in each Audi showroom. And these duties are generally executed by different positions.

Key duties in showroom

- Assigning leads (to a dealer or a team)
- Driving leads
- Managing dealers
- Check the reports (of a dealer, a team, a showroom or a dealer company)

However, the issue was that each showroom has slightly different organization structure. And some dealers perform some duties of manager, and some managers executes dealer's role in some showrooms.

Various organization charts of each showroom


In order that making the M-CRM is usable in every showroom, we decided to classify users based on the work, not the job title.

Common Organization structure

Administration rights

Based on the classified management authority that a user ID has, the function and information of the app are shown differently.

Load report variation

Key takeaway #3

There was no specific information about how the sales marketing is going for each lead in the current database. As result, dealers had to manage the schedule individually and it sometimes made miscommunication between dealers and managers.


Scheduling function is offered to dealers who is in charge of upcoming leads. When the lead is assigned to a dealer and appointment is booked on lead detail page, the information is shown on dealer’s schedule page.

Dealers can get the alarm when the appointment is coming, also can see the history or add note on the lead's information and setup the schedule. This information is shared with the employees who have authority such as team leader.

Automated scheduling


Mainly focused on delivering information and practical usage for dealers by minimum usages of extra sources. User interfaces are structured to be flexible for the users who have multiple authorities.